Homemade Brown Sugar

Homemade brown sugar is delicious and could not be easier to make.


Better From Scratch

If you are anything like me, you’ve routinely purchased boxes of brown sugar only to throw more than half of the contents away because the box sits unused on the shelf.

This super simple recipe solves that problem. Homemade brown sugar allows you to control the amount prepared while using ingredients with a long shelf life that you likely already have on hand. Plus, it’s delicious!



Homemade Brown Sugar

Yields 1 Cup


  • 1 cups granulated cane sugar (substitute granulated white sugar)

  • 1 tablespoon molasses


In a mixing bowl, whisk together sugar and molasses until molasses is fully incorporated.

To adjust the amount, simply maintain a 1 cup sugar to 1 tablespoon molasses ratio.